
April Jeppson: The company you keep makes the difference

Published 8:45 pm Friday, December 6, 2024

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Every Little Thing by April Jeppson

It’s often said that you are the sum of the people you surround yourself with. I don’t know who said it first, but let me tell you, they were onto something. The energy we absorb from others is real — whether it’s uplifting or draining — and it has a way of seeping into every corner of our lives.

April Jeppson

Take my co-workers, for example. I am blessed to work with people who genuinely want to make a difference in the world. It’s not just their skills or talents (although, wow, those are impressive too); it’s their energy. They bring passion, kindness, humor and a sprinkle of magic to what we do every day. To see someone light up as they share their gifts with the world? It’s a beautiful, humbling thing.

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This doesn’t mean we always get along perfectly. In fact, I want to be around people who challenge my way of thinking. So there are days when tensions run high, but then someone cracks a joke, or we land a small win together, and suddenly the day feels lighter. It’s amazing how the right people can turn even the most stressful moments into opportunities for growth (or at least for laughter).

This got me thinking about my circle outside of work — friends, family, even those “Hi, how are you?” acquaintances. Every relationship either adds to or subtracts from your well-being. I’ve had my share of both. Have you ever chatted with someone and five minutes in, that person has already given you a list of their 87 problems? It’s like they’ve turned venting into an Olympic sport.

Now, don’t get me wrong. We all have problems, and a good friend will lend an ear when you need one. But if someone’s vibe is consistently a thundercloud, you start to notice how it impacts your own energy. Life is too short — and too full of its own challenges — to be weighed down by someone else’s perpetual storm.

On the flip side, being around uplifting people feels like a high five for the soul. These are the friends who cheer you on when you’re doubting yourself, who show up when you least expect it, who make you laugh until you cry. They don’t necessarily solve your problems, but they remind you that you’re strong enough to handle them.

Humor is a big part of this equation for me. My people know how to keep things light when life gets heavy. You’ve got two choices in life — laugh or cry. One gives you wrinkles, and the other gives you abs. I’m choosing abs every time. I mean, if I can log laughter into my fitness tracker … that’s a double win.

At the end of the day, I’m grateful for the amazing people in my life. They challenge me, support me and make me want to be better. So, here’s to choosing your circle wisely, because the right energy makes all the difference in the world.

ƹƵn April Jeppson is a wife, mom, coach and encourager of dreams. Her column appears every Saturday.